Remember your dreams every day

dreams-teIt’s been a while since there has been some ‘reading in the coffee grounds’ here. (A term that ‘the gentleman’ in the house uses, when I talk too much about spiritual stuff.)

Therefore this little reminder for you and me. I believe there is much more between heaven and earth than the eyes can see.

And so does ‘the gentleman’, but he expresses it in this way:

– There’s something bigger than me. He doesn’t elaborate it, but anyway that’s fine…

My daily affirmations

I try to remember my affirmations (daily positive confirmations) and perform them several times daily.

te-i-2017My affirmations sounds like this:

‘The universe leads me in the direction of funny, comfortable, adventurous, exciting and happy experiences in all conceivable areas.’

Then I’m well covered!

And my money-affirmation:

‘I love money and money loves me.’

There must be many, especially men who are dying of laughter when they read this. And they are more than welcome. Every one is blessed in his or her faith. After all, we all have our own perception of what the truth is.

A couple of movies worth watching

It is interesting as more and more movies are focusing on parallel universes, life after death, and so on.

If you are using Netflix and are interested in these topics, then please see these movies:

film‘Coherence’, ‘Synchronicity’, ‘The Matrix’ or ‘The Discovery’.

There are certainly many more movies with these perspectives, but the first three mentioned I have seen and really recommend ♥

I think they are exiting, because you really get a gleam of what the parallel universes could look like (especially in ‘Coherence’ and ‘Synchronicity’). In ‘Coherence’ you follow a dinner party where all the participants become aware of something strange going on.

In ‘Synchronicity’ you will see a physicist, who invents a time machine. His time machine leads him into parallel worlds. The music performed by Benn Lovett complements this movie in an absolute fantastic way. I have seen both movies more than one time.

‘The Discovery’ we will be watching tonight.

The tea I am drinking right now

Is a tea from ‘A.C. Perch’s Thehandel’ shortened ‘Perch’. Uhm… so tasty and if you are for green tea with ginger and lemon, you will not regret it. The tea is perfectly flavored with lemon, vanilla and ginger, and the ginger taste not too dominant.  A very refreshing and delicious tea.

Perch writes about this tea:

‘Our most famous scented green tea. A fantastic harmony of ginger and lemon based on a nice mild chinese green tea.’

Ingredients: green tea (93%), lemon peel (3.96%), ginger (2.97%), bergamotte-, vanilla-, ginger- and lemon aroma.

I know that this green tea is one af Perch’s bestsellers. The only thing not to like is that this tea is not organic…

Like to take a look at Perch’s teas, click here

Enjoy your weekend with lots of good tea ♥









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